All You Need to Know About Prams & Baby Strollers [Your Buggy Stroller Guide]

At Roaming Mommy we are dedicated to providing useful tips, help and advice to new moms and moms-to-be. As a new parent there will be many new and exciting baby gear items to get your head around. One of them, which is one of the most exciting ones, ones is your newborn baby pram.

A baby stroller or pram is an essential item for most families, as it will help you go out and about with your new bundle of joy from the start and will be a useful “second pair of hands”.

Why would you buy a stroller for infant and toddler?

There are many advantages of having a baby stroller.

Baby carrier

This is the obvious first advantage. If it wasn’t for your stroller you would have to carry your baby in arms from A to B every day at all times.

Not to forget that babies grow quite quickly. At the start your baby weighting approx. 3,5 kg (approx. 8 lbs) will be a breeze to carry. In the long run your back will be grateful.

Children use strollers from the time they are born up until they are approx. 3 years of age. Even though your baby will be walking at around 12 months of age, bear in mind that she will get tired and will need to rest. The same happens with most toddlers. Here is when a versatile baby buggy will come handy.

Baby gear carrier

With your little one feeding every 2 or 3 hours and needing a nappy change with more or less frequency a pram including a good amount of storage is a convenient option to most parents.

As a new mom you may find yourself carrying more things that what you will need. It is natural to want to have all fronts covered and be ready for everything. Just be mindful that everything you add to your infant stroller will add weight which will need to be pushed around.

The amount of storage in your baby stroller will depend on the brand and model and type of stroller you choose for your family.

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Baby Prams and Stroller types

There is a wide variety of stroller types in the market, and as a new parent one of your challenges will be to choose the one that is right for you and your family.

From the simplest design to the all in one baby stroller you will be able to choose the right fit for you.

Standard stroller

baby boy strollersThe standard stroller is a full-size conventional stroller and it will normally carry only one child. There are many designs and brands available.

Standard strollers can carry a child from birth until they are too old to go on a stroller (at approx. 3 or 4 years of age).

These kind of infant strollers are normally sturdier than light or umbrella variants.

Some of the features in a standard stroller are:

  • Adjustable handle height
  • A 5 point harness to secure your child
  • Reclinable seat to almost a flat position
  • Swivel wheels for best manoeuvrer ability
  • A hand break or foot break
  • A sun canopy
  • Other accessories may be included, such as an UV protector and a rain cover
  • Big brands offer added extras, such as a cup holder, and umbrella, foot muff, seat protector or other accessories
  • In the USA look for the JPMA logo (Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association) to make sure it complies with all safety standards
  • In Australia the ACCC looks after stroller/ pram compliance 

Travel system strollers        

baby buggies for saleThis is a highly popular style of stroller. In fact, by using an adaptor you have the option of turning your standard stroller into a convertible travel system, by attaching the baby capsule to the pram.

This is how it works: the adaptors are designed by the stroller brand.

You will need the adaptors and a compatible baby capsule or infant car seat. Attach the adaptors to the stroller and clip the capsule into the adaptors, and you will have a baby stroller travel system.

Probably one of the most loved features about a travel system pram is that you won’t need to disturb your baby’s sleep in the transition to and out of the car. All you need it do is unclip the baby capsule from its base (which is attached to your car), and into your adaptors on your pram.

Finding the best travel system doesn’t need to be hard. We’ve put together a 5 step guideline to help you getting started.

A double stroller travel system would be a standard double stroller with adapters for 2 baby capsules.

To read about our recommended best baby travel systems, click here.

Umbrella stroller

baby stroller umbrellababy stroller umbrellaThese are basically travel strollers, and are a great option for parents to take in a short trip or family holiday as opposed to a conventional stroller.

Umbrella strollers are a great option if you are flying with your baby.

These are a type of 4 wheel strollers. They take very little space and can be easily folded in a slim shape resembling an umbrella.

The design consists of a reclinable chair made of a soft and light fabric and runs on 4 swivel wheels.  Most umbrella strollers come with a double handle, which help the stroller fold into the umbrella position. Double handles may make it harder to manoeuvre the stroller using only one hand. That is, you need to hands to drive this stroller. Nonetheless, there are in the market handle extensions to help overcome this.

If you are after a cheap stroller for your baby, an umbrella stroller can be a great alternative.

Lightweight strollers

baby stroller brands The best lightweight baby strollers sit somewhere in between the conventional stroller and the umbrella stroller.

These strollers do not collapse as umbrella strollers as they normally have one handle instead of two.

You will find the best lightweight strollers for travel in store or online. However, always try to test drive it to ensure you are happy with the weight and folding method.

Lightweight prams are also a great alternative if you are thinking of flying with a stroller. Don’t miss our article on flying with strollers, which has many useful tips.

If you are after the best baby stroller to travel by plane, you can also check out this feature.

Convertible stroller

baby stroller setIf you are after one stroller for infant and toddler, a convertible baby stroller may be a great option to consider.

This stroller consists of a convertible pushchair, with a frame where you can place either a toddler seat, a bassinet or a travel system (a.k.a. baby car seat or baby capsule).

When baby is born you can use it as a bassinet stroller and when she grows older, change it to a toddler stroller.

The beauty about the convertible pram is that you can change it according to your baby’s growing needs.

To start off you can use the bassinet for your baby to lay flat. When travelling by car you can attach the baby car seat in the frame using a set of adaptors. The capsule also fits in a base that is attached to your car, which means you can move bub from car to pram without disturbance.

Once your baby outgrows the bassinet and baby capsule at approx. 6 months of age, they can use the baby seat. Some convertible stroller models have a reversible seat option for baby to either face you or the world.

Jogging Strollers

baby jogger strollerIf you are after an all-terrain stroller, picking a good jogging stroller is a great alternative.

What makes a jogging stroller different from others is mainly the wheels. Running strollers feature only 3 wheels, made of a rubber / pneumatic material which look more like bicycle wheels than pram ones.

This attribute makes them ideal for rough terrains and also exercising with your baby. The front wheel in most models can lock in position for added stability.

You can use a jogger stroller car seat combo if you’d like the convenience of moving baby in and out of the car without disturbance. Before you decide running with your baby, seek advice from a physician.

During the first months of life, baby’s head, neck and back are not stable enough for a going out for a jog. However, that does not mean you can’t use the baby jogger as a conventional stroller and use it for jogging later on.

In terms of security, jogging strollers with a hand break can be good when you wish to slow down in steep terrain. Some joggers feature a hand and a foot break.

For some parents lightweight jogging strollers are preferred over sturdy ones. Convertible jogging strollers are sturdier, however, these are great to place the baby capsule and use it as a standard stroller until you decide to jog with it.

You can check out Roaming Mommy’s jogging stroller reviews, here.

Twin jogging stroller or Double jogging stroller

baby jogger double strollerThese are also known as double jogging stroller and provide convenience for parents wanting to exercise with a toddler and baby or with twins!

If you’ve got twins you could opt for a double jogging stroller travel system, which offers the option of placing 2 baby capsules on a jogging stroller. These are also called convertible double strollers.

Same as single jogging strollers, double infant jogging strollers have 3 wheels, and some models offer a swivel wheel and others a fixed one. If you are using your double jogger as a standard pram, make sure the front wheel swivels, for convenience.

Double umbrella strollers

dual strollerWithin the double stroller family there are also double lightweight strollers, which are particularly convenient for families on the go.

If you choose a twin umbrella stroller, the biggest benefit of it will be the ease at the time to travel or go out & about with your baby.

Convertible travel system strollers or even double jogging or standard strollers can get damage during air travel or take too much space from the boot of your car.

That’s when a side by side or small tandem stroller can be handy.

Tandem Strollers or in-line strollers

tandem double strollertandem double strollerIn-line strollers are also called tandem pushchairs. These are strollers suitable for newborn and toddler. Tandem strollers consist of a design that carries 2 kids, one behind the other.

There is a variety of tandem strollers that offers a sit or stand option for the toddler. These are called sit and stand double strollers.

Tandem jogging strollers are especially designed for parents wanting to exercise with their children.

Baby Stroller Brands

If you are new to the world of strollers, note that there are many MANY brands out there.

How to choose your baby stroller?

Choosing your baby stroller shouldn’t need to be difficult. However, with all the different brands, models and features now available it is becoming harder and harder for parents to make a choice.

After all, what makes one stroller better than the other? Well, that will be entirely up to you.

We are here to guide you in your quest to make the best possible decision for you and your family by providing some considerations.

Reality check note from the editor

Before you begin your quest, it is important to know that there is no perfect pram. The one that has all the features you like may be too bulky or heavy. Umbrella strollers are not convertible strollers and some lightweight strollers may have too little storage or may not hold the baby car seat of your choice.

Having said that, as a parent and like with everything in life you can always prioritise and find a great baby pram that ticks most of your boxes.

As an end note to this disclaimer, you can always swap strollers later on in your child’s infancy. Don’t worry if a great stroller for newborn is not really suitable for a toddler. You can always change it later on.

What’s your budget?

The first thing to do in order to narrow down the search is to decide on a budget.

If this is your first time buying a baby stroller you may have noticed that prices range from $80 to $1,200+. There is choice for everyone!

If you really like an expensive stroller but you are short on budget, you can always buy a second hand stroller. Just make sure you test drive it before making your purchase to be safe. is a great place to buy your stroller. Nonetheless, we highly recommend you visit a baby store to trial your stroller before ordering yours online.

Family planning

Are you having a baby, twins or planning to have more than 1 child?

If you are pregnant and planning to have more children within a short period of time (1 to 3 years), you may wish to consider a convertible stroller. These strollers offer the option to add a second seat attached for another child, or a board to stand on.

One thing to take into consideration is that young children get tired of walking, even if they already walk they may need to have a rest from time to time. Imagine a long day at the Zoo. Who wouldn’t love a nap on the pram? A versatile stroller can be a great help for growing families.

A convertible double stroller provides the option to accommodate a newborn baby but also a toddler, if need be. The good thing about convertible baby strollers is that if you don’t need a second seat any more, you can take it out.

Double infant strollers, on the other hand, have 2 sits and you don’t have the option to remove one of them. Dual strollers will be ideal if you are carrying twins.

Size and weight

Do you live in an apartment building with elevator access or without?

Some convertible strollers or travel systems can be quite heavy and need to be dissembled in order to be carried around. Hence, they don’t represent the best option if you leave a few floors up by stairs.

On the other end of the spectrum you will see umbrella strollers that are very light, easy to fold and carry. These can save your life if you don’t have an elevator in your building.

pink lightweight umbrella strollerEven if you do have an elevator in your building, strollers can get heavy after you add the weight of your child plus all the baby gear you need to go out and about. If you pick a lightweight baby strollers, you will be reducing the weight to push.

In terms of size, try to think about your everyday use to assess if a baby stroller is suitable:

Will the stroller fit in the boot of your car

If you go out often with your stroller and need to carry it in your car, how much space will it take? Will you have some extra room to keep groceries or any other shopping? This is especially important if you have other children, as cars can get crowded.

Will it fit through the door?

This consideration is important for families that require twin strollers. Side by side strollers are  wider than tandem ones. This makes it hard to pass through doors but also navigate in a small shop or grocery store.

If you will definitely require a double stroller, but foresee that there will be some space issues, consider getting a tandem stroller or in-line stroller, which will overcome the issue of width.

Nonetheless, a long stroller can also have some other considerations: ability to recline seats can be one of them. How old will your children be? If one of them is very little (under 1 year of age), he or she will need to recline in the seat, while the other one is sitting in an upright position.

How will the stroller be kept at home?

Will you have a space to put it away? Are you planning to fold it and put it away? For small homes, an umbrella stroller can be practical as it can be easily folded and fitted in a wardrobe.

A convertible stroller on the other hand is bulkier and needs to be broken into parts to be put away. Some families prefer to keep them assembled in a corner, ready to go out when they need.

Another option is to keep your convertible stroller in your car at all times. Just in case, make sure your partner doesn’t use the car to go to an important meeting and leaves you at home without a stroller.

Everyday use

Will you be strolling out of home? Or will you need to drive away from home with the stroller in the boot of your car every day?

Where will you be using your infant stroller?

Will you be likely to use it to go to the mall, stroll around the city, the park or beach?

If you will be strolling at the mall most of the time a convertible stroller or a traditional single stroller will be just right for you.

It will be up to you to decide if you want a travel system stroller. If you are driving every day to the mall, it may be handy to take baby in and out of the car using a baby car seat that can clip into the stroller.

If you don’t have a car or if you will be rarely driving with baby, you may not need a travel system that attaches to your stroller.

All-terrain-strollers (a.k.a. Jogging strollers) are an excellent option, not only to exercise with your baby, but also access uneven roads and terrains with your bundle of joy.

Most Baby jogging strollers have 3 wheels and are a bit bulkier and heavier than standard strollers as they have a sturdy structure.

Bear in mind that the wheels are larger than regular strollers, and they also take more space.

Are you planning a family holiday?

If so, a lightweight stroller for travel can be a good option for you. If your baby will be a traveller, either an umbrella stroller or a lightweight stroller will be your way to go. Imagine carrying suitcases and bags plus a large stroller? If you are renting your car at your destination you will need to put everything in your vehicle, and a large stroller may not fit.

Added features that can make the difference

There are other fantastic features to consider if you are buying a baby pram for the first time. These features can be the decisive factor at the time of making your final decision.

These can be obvious for parents that are stroller savvy. Nevertheless, they are worth reminding:

  • Large canopy
  • Peek-a-boo window
  • Reversible seat
  • Cup holder
  • Rain cover
  • UV Sun protection shade
  • Snack tray for baby and parent

Baby Stroller Wheels

Don’t overlook your prospective baby stroller wheels. Depending on the use you want to give to your baby stroller some wheels will be more efficient than others.

Some 3 wheel strollers use EVA foam rubber tires as they are lighter than pneumatic air-filled tires. EVA material is used in most lightweight strollers.

foam tire strollerJogging stroller wheels are normally air-filled pneumatic, same as bicycle wheels. These wheels will guarantee a smooth ride in most surfaces.

jogging stroller tiresSome strollers with rubber wheels can be used on sand. An example would be the Bugaboo Cameleon stroller (one of the best 4 wheel prams of the range).

The Cameleon is a 4 wheel stroller featuring 2 sand stroller wheels (which are the rear ones). By removing the front 2 pram wheels and pulling from the handle it is suitable for beach walks. Nonetheless it can’t stand alone using only the 2 big pram wheels.

Umbrella stroller wheels will always be lightweight. Depending on the quality of the stroller the material may vary from a hard plastic to EVA or foam.

How to differentiate air-filled from EVA/ foam rubber tires?

If you find a pram with big wheels, these will generally be air-filled pneumatic tires and are ideal for jogging. However, don’t make any assumptions and make sure you check before committing to a purchase.

If a wheel needs to be filled with air you will also see there is a valve for inflation. If you see this, you will know that is a pneumatic tyre that needs to be filled with air when it goes flat.

Where to buy stroller wheels?

If you are buying a brand new baby pram you don’t need to worry about buying wheels. However, for parents buying second hand strollers, new wheels, or “new” second hand wheels may be needed to improve your buggy stroller.

Whether you need foam wheels for prams or small pram wheels or any other stroller wheel, you can head to to check out the full range of stroller replacement wheels available.

Shopping online is a great way to find pram wheels for sale. You can even find some used pram wheels if you look around.

Just make sure that the tire you want to buy is compatible with your stroller brand and model before making a purchase.

Buggy Stroller Maintenance

Baby Stroller Seat Fabric

Last but not least, consider that babies being babies may end up making an absolute mess in your brand new baby buggy stroller.

For that reason, buying a stroller with a removable seat fabric that can be machine washable can save your life.

If the buggy stroller you love does not offer this option, you can always get a baby stroller seat cover or stroller seat liner to care for your pram.

You can also spot clean your baby stroller seat using warm soap, a brush or scrub and gently remove any stains on your pram.

Check out our article on baby stroller maintenance to learn the best way on how to clean your baby stroller, here. We recommend you only use eco-friendly products to clean your stroller, as baby’s skin is very sensitive.

clean baby stroller with lemonThen remove any excess water or soap using a towel and let your buggy stroller air dry overnight, ready for a brand new day!

Keep reading for more information on baby strollers.

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